Friday, May 16, 2008


We all know that there have been so many good things to come out of Quebec. Arcade Fire, Leonard Cohen, Chromeo, some of the worlds best snowboarders and so on and so forth. However probably the thing that is continually growing into an unstoppable beast would have to be Vice magazine.

We all know Vice for their unrelentingly hilarious social and cultural commentary. However, vice's broadcasting service found here, is without doubt one of my favourite websites. As far as I'm aware it is run by academy award nominated director Spike Jonze. He directed being John Malkovich and adaptation. He's also done alot of commercials and music videos and funnily enough was one of the co-creators of jackass and is also one of the co-owners of girl skateboards. Thats a fairly impressive CV to say the least. However, the team he has developed to create the viewing they have, is second to none. Every documentary I have watched, I have been glued to.

Here is the first of 5 episodes of VBS's doc on the lead singer of a Norwegian death metal group called Gorgoroth. This shit is captivating alright, and this guy is straight out scary. enjoy . . . 

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